We encourage making arrangements as soon as possible for the best rates and availability on hotels. The wedding reception is located at Torre San Marco in Gardone Riviera Village. We highly recommend to stay in the immediate area for the wedding. We have found using Google Maps Hotel Search is the easiest way to locate hotels by rating and price. Here are instructions on how to use the search function.
How to Search for Hotels in Gardone Riviera
Open Google Maps
- On your phone or computer: Go to Google Maps
Search for Gardone Riviera
- In the search bar, type "Gardone Riviera, Italy" and press Enter or tap the search button.
Set Your Dates
- Look for the "Dates" option, usually a calendar icon.
- Click or tap on it and select your check-in and check-out dates. *we recommend arriving on Wednesday, Aug 27th
Refine Your Search (Optional)
- Use the filters to narrow down your search by price, rating, amenities, etc.
Below are Hotel recommendations that are within walking distance to the reception venue in Gardone Riviera Village. Of course these are just suggestions to make the logistics easier, feel free to book wherever you wish. There are also very nice new(er) hotels we've toured such as the A-ROSA and Eden Reserve Hotel & Villas that are a short drive to the wedding venue.